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Did I Solve Miter Saw Dust Collection?

Writer's picture: Shop NationShop Nation

Let's face it, dust collection on a miter saw is hard. There have been many attempts to fix it and it just hasn't quite been cracked yet.

After getting my new miter saw (Ridgid 4251) I decided I want to tackle just that. Right off the bat - this Ridgid as well as it's clone the Delta Cruzer have pretty terrible standard dust collection options. Due to the dual arm sliding mechanism there just wasn't much room for the design engineers to accommodate one - or they just gave up trying.

That means that addressing the dust collection on these particular saws is very important. I started by really looking at the saw and trying to understand where the sawdust is generated and where it is thrown by the blade. Then I mocked up a simple box that sits behind the blade that shrouds the blade as best as possible.

Next I took that concept and modeled the entire thing in Fusion 360. Once that design was optimized I loaded up the part files in my 3D printing software and printed them!

How a 3D Printer Solves Problems -

I've got to say that the end result is pretty sweet but during testing...I realized I still have a lot of work to do. There is a significant design flaw with my contraption and it was way less effective than I thought it would be. I will be continuing this saga in a future video but would love any input and ideas from you on how to improve it!

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Links to Cool Products (affiliate links help sponsor the content!):


Ridgid 4251 Dual Bevel Sliding Miter Saw -

Diablo 80T Fine Finish Blade -

Fastcap Zero Clearance Tape -

Contour Gauge Set (2 pcs) -

Vacmaster "Beast" Compact 5hp Shop Vacuum -

Dust Right Dust Separator -

iVac Pro Dust Collection Switch -

Digital Calipers -

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Machinist Square (3-pack) -

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